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10 Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Your metabolism is the speed at which you burn calories on a daily basis. If you are interested in losing weight, you will lose weight more easily is your metabolism is elevated. There are a variety of ways you can boost your metabolism to maximize your fat burning and help you lose weight quickly.

1. Exercise
You burn more calories while you exercise but your metabolism also stays elevated after exercise. This phenomenon is called EPOC which stands for Post exercise Oxygen Consumption and used to be known as oxygen debt. The harder your exercise session, the more your post workout metabolism will be boosted.









2. Eat Small Meals Regularly
Eating requires energy and eating small frequent meals boosts your metabolism more than eating a single large meal. If you eat six small meals a day your metabolism will be elevated six times a day!

3. Be More Active
Non Exercise Physical Activity (NEPA for short) describes any movements you perform that can’t be classed as exercise. NEPA includes walking for transport, gardening, doing chores and playing with children. All of these activities will elevate your metabolic rate resulting in a greater daily energy expenditure.

4. Consume Protein
All food requires energy for ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination but protein foods require the most. Protein has a high thermal effect meaning that it raises your metabolic rate more than carbohydrates or fats. Include protein in every meal to maximize your metabolism.

5. Do Cardio Intervals
Standard cardio burns calories and boosts your metabolism but interval training where lactic acid is produced is more effective for raising your post exercise metabolic rate. Lactic acid-the burning feeling you get in your muscles during hard exercise-has to be removed and your body has to increase its use of oxygen-and therefore your metabolic rate-to do this.

6. Consume Caffeine
Caffeinated drinks elevate your metabolism as they are nervous stimulants. Caffeine increases your heart and breathing rate. So long as you aren’t sensitive to caffeine, regular consumption during the day will boost your metabolism but don’t consume caffeinated drinks after 6pm or you may have trouble sleeping.

7. Don’t Watch Too Much TV
Watching TV is a very passive form of entertainment. Because very little energy is required when watching TV your metabolism slows down. To avoid this try more active forms of entertainment like playing board or computer games, reading a book or chatting with friends and family.

8. Lower the Temperature of your Home
If you are cold, your body will keep you warm by increasing the blood flow to your skin. This process involves raising your metabolic rate. You don’t have to be freezing – just lower the temperature slightly below what is comfortable to raise your metabolic rate.

9. Build some Muscle
Muscle needs energy to sustain it so by adding a small amount of muscle to your body you will need more calories on a daily basis. Being slightly more muscular will increase your metabolism 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!











10. Eat Spicy Foods
Hot spices such as chilli will elevate your metabolism and can help you lose weight. Add hot spices to some of your meals on a regular basis but be careful not to use too much otherwise you may give yourself indigestion. Build up your tolerance gradually and only use this method of you really like hot food.

Popularity: 4% [?]

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Workouts that increase metabolism

Your metabolism us the total amount of energy required by your body on a daily basis. If you increase your metabolism and eat less food than your need, any energy short-fall with have to be met by your body fat stores resulting in weight loss. There are a number of different workouts that you can perform to increase your metabolism.

Strength Training
Working out with weights builds muscles and the more muscle you have on your body, the greater your metabolism will be. A small increase in muscle mass can result in a significant increase in daily energy expenditure. Work out with weights two to three times a week to increase your muscle mass and therefore your metabolism.

Interval Training
Alternating periods of high intensity exercise, e.g. sprinting, with periods of rest will boost your metabolic rate far more than steady state cardio. Interval training causes the buildup of lactic acid in your muscles which has to be flushed out after exercise. The process of removing lactic acid from your system elevates your metabolism for hours after your workout has finished. Start off with one minute of high intensity exercise alternated with two minutes of recovery and increase the work duration or decrease the recovery as your fitness improves.

Anaerobic Threshold (AnT) Training
AnT training is an aerobic training method where you exercise at your highest sustainable heart rate for 15 to 30 minutes. This is a challenging workout but one that will increase your metabolism for hours after exercise. AnT training should be performed at 85 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate and can be thought of as race-pace training. To perform AnT training, run, cycle, swim or row as fast as you can-if you went any faster you would have to slow down and stop. Exercising at this level of intensity will produce a lot of lactic acid which is responsible for elevating your metabolism in the post-workout period.

circuit_trainingCircuit Training
Circuit training is a form of interval training where you perform strength training, aerobic and bodyweight exercise back to back. Because of the high intensity and short rest periods associated with circuit training, your metabolism will be elevated even after you have finished your workout. To change your regular gym based workout into a metabolism-boosting circuit, perform your workout vertically and for repeated laps as opposed to in the traditional set/rest format.

Hill Running
Repeatedly running or cycling up a steep hill will elevate your metabolism. You can use short, steep hills or longer more gradual hills to the same effect. Work as hard as you can going up the hill and then jog/freewheel back to the bottom by way of recovery before repeating.

Tabata Interval Training
Devised by a Japanese sports scientist, Tabata interval training is a very short but effective workout for boosting your metabolism. Tabata interval training requires that you perform an all out effort for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of recovery. Repeat this sequence for 8 to 10 sets. You can use a wide variety of exercises for Tabata interval training such as sprinting, rowing, calisthenics, weight lifting exercises or cycling. Although this workout only lasts 4 to 5 minutes, it will significantly raise your metabolic rate during the hours after your training. (for more on Tabata read this article http://www.ultra-fitmagazine.co.uk/?p=612 )

Popularity: 5% [?]

Posted in Fat burning, Understanding Fitness, WorkoutsComments (0)

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