WOW – Thursdays Workout 14/06/2012

This workout ticks lots of boxes and is basically an intergrated interval circuit. Consisting of burpees, press ups, squats, jump rope and rowing, it hits all the major muscle groups and also has elements of aerobic and anaerobic work. Because of the intensity of this session, fat burning is significant and, coupled with a healthy dose of EPOC, it’ll have you fit, ripped and toned in no time!

5 burpees
10 press ups
15 squats
20 double unders
Row or run 500 meters
5 sets as fast as possible!

Just watch the video below and repeat, remembering to scale the workout to meet your current fitness abilities.

2 Responses to “WOW – Thursdays Workout 14/06/2012”

  1. Rob says:

    intruiged by the use of the word toned? and surely a whole body approach would be significantly better ?
    The workout may tick a couple of boxes, but why not have a work out of the week that ticks more?

  2. ultra-FIT says:

    Hi Rob and thanks for your comment.

    One of the main features of our workouts is their diversity – they are cross training workouts as opposed to workouts designed to target specific bodyparts. We publish two workouts a week every day of the year. This means that although some muscle groups or components of fitness may not be included in the workout above, they well feature in subsequent workouts.

    As for the use of the word toned, this is a general interest site and therefore uses general fitness terms. As I’m sure you know, “tone” refers to tonicity or tension within muscle but for many exercisers (and our readers) tone also means looking better and feeling firmer.

    Thanks again for your comments.


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