WoW – Thursday’s Workout 31/01/2013

5 to 50 times 5

Storm through this ascending list of exercises five times. Start at the top of the list each time and try to keep your rests to a minimum. As this is a race against the clock, make sure you start your watch when you do the first exercise and only stop it when you complete the final exercise of the final lap. The clock keeps ticking even when you are resting.

5 chin ups/pull ups
10 Burpees
15 two-handed kettlebell swings
20 body rows
25 tuck jumps
30 lunges – 15 per leg
35 press ups
40 step ups – 20″ step
45 jumping jacks
50 squats


Chin ups/pull ups – from a dead hang, pull yourself up so your chin touches the bar.
Burpees – feel free to perform this exercise minus the press up and/or jump as your fitness level dictates.

Two-handed kettlebell swings – use a powerful hip thrust to swing the kettlebell up to shoulder-height.

Body rows – hanging below a waist-high bar with your legs extended, pull yourself up so your chest touches the underside of the bar. Keep your body straight throughout.

Tuck jumps – jump up into the air and pull your knees up towards your chest. Release your legs and land on slightly bent knees

Lunges – take a large step forwards, bend your legs and lower your rearmost knee to the floor. Pop back up and then repeat leading with your opposite leg.

Press ups – on your knees or toes, lower your chest to touch the floor and then push back up to full arm extension.

Step ups – alternate legs step by step to ensure you work both legs evenly.

Jumping jacks – starting with your feet together and your hands by your sides, jump your feet out and simultaneously raise your arms out to your sides and up to shoulder height. Jump your feet back in and lower your arms. Continue for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Squats – with your feet shoulder-width apart, push your hips back, bend your knees and descend until your knees are bent to 90 degrees. Stand back up and repeat.

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