WoW – Monday’s Workout 18/03/2013

Sprinting pyramid

Sprinting is a surprisingly effective leg developer and fat burner. How does sprinting burn fat? By causing a massive build up of lactic acid which causes your metabolism to become very elevated. Basically, sprinting causes something called EPOC, short for Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption which we used to call oxygen debt in the old days. For more confirmation that sprinting makes you lean, watch some athletics on TV and you’ll soon see who the leanest athletes at the track are!

For this workout, all you need as a stopwatch and some wide open space…

Warm up by jogging for 3 to 5 minutes and then performing some dynamic stretches. Round off your warm up by doing 2 to 3 50 – 75% effort sprints for 10 to 15 seconds.

From your start point – e.g. a tree, park bench or street lamp, sprint out for the prescribed time and then slowly walk back to the beginning. As soon as you reach your start point, start your next rep. If you feel like you need a longer rest, walk back more slowly!

Set One – 10 seconds sprint, walk back to recover
Set Two – 20 seconds sprint, walk back to recover
Set Three – 30 second sprint, walk back to recover
Set Four – 40 second sprint, walk back to recover
Set Five – 50 second sprint, walk back to recover
Set Six – 60 second sprint, walk back to recover

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