WoW – Thursday’s Workout 22/11/12

TRX and bodyweight workout

Of all the most recent no-frills workout devices to become popular, suspension trainers, specifically the TRX, is the most popular. The beauty of the TRX is it is highly portable, very versatile and can be easily adjusted to make your workouts harder or easier as required.

This circuit style workout targets all of your major muscles and will help you develop a lean, mean and strong physique!

Select an exercise position that allows 12-15 reps to be performed – move your feet forwards of backwards to change the angle of your body and adjust the difficulty experienced

Perform 2 – 3 sets of each exercise resting 45-90 seconds between sets. Alternatively perform the exercises as a circuit for 2-3 laps

1) TRX suspended lunge

  • Standing with feet hip width apart and the TRX behind you, place your left foot into the foot loop
  • Standing tall, your thighs should be level and your left leg bent to around 90 degrees
  • Extend your left hip and bend your right knee as if performing a backward lunge until your left knee almost touches the floor
  • Return to the standing position by pulling backwards with the right leg and pushing with the left
  • Perform as many repetitions as desired before changing lead legs
  • Initially you may need to use a balance aid such as an exercise bench or sturdy chair

2) TRX horizontal row

  • Hold a TRX handle in each hand
  • Lie beneath the TRX with legs straight, arms extended, body straight
  • Adjust the angle of your body by moving your feet to vary the difficulty of the exercise – the steeper the angle, the easier the exercise. Only your heels should be in contact with the floor
  • Without sagging at the hips or waist, use your arms to pull your body up               until your hands come into your armpits and your elbows are extended behind your body
  • Pause for 1-2 seconds in this top position before slowly lowering back into the start position
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions

3) TRX atomic press ups

  • Adopt the press up position with both feet placed in the TRX foot loops
  • Ensure your core is tight, your body is straight and your shoulders are directly over your hands
  • Pull both knees into your chest whilst simultaneously lifting your hips as               high as possible
  • Under control, return to the press up position
  • Keeping your abs tense, bend your arms and lower your chest to the floor
  • Extend your arms and press your body back into the press up position
  • This constitutes one rep
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions

4) TRX hip bridge/leg curls

  • Laying on your back, place both feet into the TRX foot loops
  • Extend your hips so that only your upper back is in contact with the floor and your legs are straight
  • Keep your arms outstretched at shoulder level for added stability
  • Make sure you maintain a tight core throughout the exercise but avoid                 holding your breath
  • Simultaneously pull your heels towards and lift your hips as high as you                 can so that your weight is now resting on the backs of your shoulders
  • Pause for 1-2 seconds before slowly lowering back into the starting position
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions

5) Bodyweight leg triad (squat jumps, squats, lunges) –                 Perform as a superset with no rest between exercises…

a) Squat jumps

  • Start with feet just beyond shoulder-width apart
  • Bend the knees to a three-quarter squat position
  • Extend the legs to jump into the air
  • Land and immediately power up into another jump
  • Keep the torso upright
  • Look straight ahead
  • Land on the balls of the feet
  • Use your arms to assist your jump power

b) Squats

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the ground
  • Push back up
  • Push your hips forward as you near full leg extension
    • Keep your trunk upright and look straight ahead

c) Lunges

  • Stand tall and take a large step forward into a lunge
  • Bend the knee to so that your upper thigh lowers to a near parallel to the ground position and your rear knee almost touches the floor
  • Push back to the start position and repeat to other side

6) TRX side plank

  • Sitting in front of the TRX place both feet into the foot loops
  • Rotate onto one side so that your weight is spread between your feet and your elbow/forearm
  • Rest your other arms along the side of your body
  • Hold this position for 30-45 seconds whilst keeping your body in a straight line – don’t sag at the hips
  • On completion, change sides and repeat

7) TRX bicep curls

  • With the TRX anchor point in front of you, hold the TRX handles and walk backwards until your hands are level with your shoulders
  • Adopt a split stance bending your back leg so that your feet are forward               of your hands and you are leaning backwards – the further forward your feet are, the harder the exercise will be to perform
  • Maintaining a tight core and avoiding flexing your spine or hips, bend your arms and, using your biceps, curl your body up towards the TRX handles until your arms are fully flexed and your hands either side of your head
  • Pause in this most-contracted position for 1-2 seconds before slowly extending your elbows and returning to the starting point
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions

8) TRX tricep extensions

  • With the TRX anchor point behind you, the straps running over your shoulders and arms extended, lean into an incline press up position – the further back your feet are, the harder the exercise will be to perform
  • Keeping your arms level with the floor and bending only your elbows, lower your body towards the floor until your hands are level with your forehead
  • Straighten your elbows and use your tricep muscles to push you back into the starting position
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions ensuring your core remains tight throughout

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