WoW – Thursday’s Workout 20/06/2013

30/20/10 rep descending pyramid

do 30, 20 and then 10 reps of the following for best time. Storm down the list as fast as you can then return to the top and perform the same exercise but for less reps. Continue until you have completed three laps. 

Knee jumps to squat – kneel down and, without placing your hands on the floor “jump” up and into a squat position. Kneel back down and repeat

Med Ball slams – take the ball overhead and, using both arms, throw it down at the floor just in front of your feet. Catch it as it rebounds and then repeat

Bench dips – using an exercise bench or similar, bend your arms and lower your butt down towards the floor. The further your feet are away from you, the more demanding this exercise becomes

Kettlebell swings – two handed swing from between your knees up to shoulder-height. Use your hips to dive the kettlebell up and forwards rather than your arms and do not allow your lower back to become rounded

Wall Ball shots – stand around 3 feet/1 meter from a sturdy wall. With the ball held at chest-height, squat down so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Rapidly stand up and drive the ball up and overhead. Let go of the ball so it rises up and touches the wall 1-2 feet above your head. Catch it as it comes back down and repeat

Mountain climbers – in the press-up position, jump one foot in and under your chest. Drive that foot back and the other leg in. continue alternating until you have completed all the reps. Count reps on one leg only so your rep total is actually double. :-)

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