Tag Archive | "deck of cards workout"

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WoW – Thursdays workout 16/02/2012

The Deck of Cards workout is one of our favourites – we hope you like it as much as we do!

Duration: Against the Clock
Equipment: Deck of playing cards, skipping rope, stop watch
Method: Shuffle the cards, including the jokers, and place them face down. Work your way through the deck one card at a time. The aim of the “game” is to get through the pack as fast as possible. If you need to break your sets up with small rests then go ahead but remember the clock is ticking. Finish all the reps for one card before turning over the next. If you are unlucky and get a run of high cards…bad luck! Remember that each time a high card comes along, that’s one less high rep set you have to do.

Red cards = Squats
Black cards = Press ups
Jokers = 300 rope turns with the jump rope

Face value 1-10 = 1-10 reps e.g. 6 of hearts = 6 squats
Picture cards = 12 reps e.g. king of spades = 12 push ups

Popularity: 2% [?]

Posted in Fat burning, Workout of the Week (WOW)Comments (0)

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WoW – Mondays Workout 26/12/2011

For this workout you need nothing more than a deck of cards.

Shuffle your deck and place them face-down. Turn up the first card. For reds perform squats and black perform press ups. Do the number of repetitions indicated on the card – e.g. five of hearts = five squats. Nine of Spades = nice press ups and so on. All picture cards are worth 12 and aces are one. For jokers, perform planks for 60 seconds.

Try to work through the deck as fast as you can but feel free to break up your reps if you turn over a run of cards the same colour!

Popularity: 1% [?]

Posted in Fat burning, Fitness, Workout of the Week (WOW)Comments (0)

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